By Miles Patrick Yohnke
© 2023 All Rights Reserved.
"We are committing 'possessionocide' -- a genocide of our very souls by chasing possessions."

How often do you find yourself preoccupied with thoughts of having something? It's all-consuming. It seems like it enormously engrosses your day. You think if you have it, you'll be better for it. You get it and it feels great for a short period of time then the feeling subsides, and your thoughts turn towards something else. Again, you find yourself obsessing over something else. It seems like you're never satisfied and you're not truly enjoying the moment; that precious moment before you. Always wanting, yearning for more.
We have to change the narrative for our own peace of mind. For our mental ecosystem. For our physical ecosystem.
I'll create this scenario for you: There is a dentist that owns his own practice, and his patient asks him from the chair, "where do you live?" Smiling, the dentist points out the window to a modest home across the way. The patient is bewildered by the news assuming his dentist would live in the most affluent area of the city. "I know what you're thinking," the dentist says. "My spouse and my kids place our energy into the community and my earnings go back into building a vibrant community." The dentist lists all the things that his kids and family provide.
The dentist changed the narrative.
I'll create this other scenario for you: There is a salesperson driving a very simple vehicle. The customer being called upon laughs as the salesperson enters their establishment and says: "no need to come into my office for, I prefer to give my business to someone who drives a very expensive vehicle as that shows me they are successful." The salesperson replies: "I can certainly understand your sentiment as even my boss would like me to get a vehicle that shows I'm doing well. I had to tell my boss that I'm happy with the car that I own because my needs are for the people I call upon. Their business. Their needs. My needs are met as I'm comfortable with my own self."
The salesperson changed the narrative.
It's time we all change the narrative. A paradigm shift needs to be created so we all can stop feeling that we need something for our own inner peace and for the peace of the planet.
Put an end to wanting.
Subject: Changing the Narrative
Release Date: Jan. 13, 2023
This new 2-minute composition is a completely new philosophy on looking at life.
To read please click on the link:
HAPPY New Year! Let's make it a HAPPY year together! A HAPPY life!
Let's throw HAPPINESS around like confetti!
As always, love is the way,
Miles Patrick Yohnke
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Miles Patrick Yohnke
Suite 23 - 1002 Dufferin Ave
Saskatoon, Sk. Canada. S7H 2C1