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Light Source

Writer: Miles Patrick YohnkeMiles Patrick Yohnke

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

© 2023 © 2012 All Rights Reserved.


Her infinite light,

Is transmitted through.

This is where,

The day contains,

The darkest of the light.

It is visible to no human's eyes,

Yet we are drawn towards her.

Gathered together,

We are sheltered and protected by her light.

Guarded, she is our safe haven,

She is the keeper of our consciousness.

There is a gentle glow,

That radiates from her heart.

The beam channels,

And draws in all energy,

As it passes through,

Through to our complete being.

Completely attuned,

An angelic chorus joins in.

Such a glorious sound,

With all intensity of life.

She is a funnel,

Of glorious white light,

In its purest energy form.

And it is known,

That she is the word of God,

For she is the spirit of truth.

As she flows,

She creates such a power,

Such an intensity,

But still yields a tremendous peace.

It becomes gentle and peaceful as she blankets the earth,

With all of her wisdom, calm and immense protection,

And those in the rays of her infinite light,

Will bask in its warmth eternal.

This Light, a divine light, comes from the Creator.

For more information on Julia Cunningham, please click here



Aug 11, 2024

Hello Everyone,

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Apr 23, 2023


Subject: Numbers and Meanings

Release Date: April 23, 2023

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards."

- Steve Jobs

One of the benefits of growing older is being able to look over your shoulder at your past.

Throughout much of my life I've come across people who've spoken about the significance of numbers and what it means to them. They exude such joy and gratitude when explaining the symbolism and synchronicity of numbers. I'd listen but let's just say I wasn't much of a 'believer'.

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Apr 15, 2023


Subject: Being the Light

Release Date: April 15, 2023

"There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it."

- Amanda Gorman

To read my one-minute inspirational page titled: "Light Source" click here:

As always, love is the way,

Miles Patrick Yohnke

Please feel free to share this with your friends and colleagues and to post it on any social media that you use. Thanks for caring, sharing, and reading.

Miles Patrick Yohnke

Suite 23 - 1002 Dufferin Ave

Saskatoon, Sk. Canada. S7H 2C1


May 13, 2022


Subject: Being the Light

Release Date: May 13, 2022

"There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it."

- Amanda Gorman

To read my one-minute inspirational poem "Light Source" please click on the link below:

If you believe in inspiration, hope and courage, please consider supporting us in our work around the world. Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future. Thank you for your compassion and support. is being visited by thousands of people every day, from all around the world, people that read our blog and keep coming back for more, people like you, with one dream in…

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