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Writer: Miles Patrick YohnkeMiles Patrick Yohnke

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

© 2025 All Rights Reserved.

2025 is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Joseph Patrick Cunningham. Photo by Indigo Brodie 
2025 is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Joseph Patrick Cunningham. Photo by Indigo Brodie 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, requires you to read on.

In this parcel you will find one letter. Its contents are of an urgent nature. Essential to this mission, and the contents of this letter, is the recruitment of all civilization.

Dare to read further?

I write to you in the early part of 2025. The meaning of 2025 in numerology is influenced by the universal energy of the number nine, which represents completion, transformation, and humanitarianism. As we move through 2025, the collective energy will focus on letting go of the old, making way for new beginnings, and embracing compassion for others. It signifies new beginnings and transformative changes, encouraging trust in the process and openness to positive opportunities.

As I write to you in 2025 the wildfires in the Los Angeles area are underway--creating catastrophic damage and death. Also, as I write, hatred--this divide towards people--this hell on earth that now is found in every single country around the planet, too, is spreading at an alarming rate. But before I address all of this and how we all can resolve it and live the meaning of this year--2025--let me start with a little story from a bicycling conference that I attended last year; before I shift gears and take you on another interior mind travel and adventure.

Miles on the cover of The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Jan. 9, 2024. Photo by Michelle Berg
Miles on the cover of The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Jan. 9, 2024. Photo by Michelle Berg

At the bicycle conference someone stated that vehicles are out to kill us. Everyone laughed and said: "You're right!" I replied: "Just think about driving a vehicle. How careful you have to be. How much stress. The honking. The road rage. Constantly looking in your mirrors if the vehicle beside you or behind you will run into you. How many vehicle accidents. How many needless deaths. That vehicles are out to kill other vehicles." And you could hear a feather drop in the room--the room quickly went quiet, like a library. It's the truth. And then we have winter months--like in my home country of Canada--where it can get very cold, and if you don't have a garage, your vehicle needs to warm up. You need to clean the windows of the vehicle. You have stress, your mind is preoccupied by whether your vehicle will start in the morning and or after work. Then there is the cost of gas. The cost of the vehicle. The cost of plating it. The cost of insurance. The cost of repairs - always having to maintain it. The reality is you don't own your vehicle; it owns you - you're constantly thinking about your vehicle.

I mentioned this to a doctor friend of mine that got into winter cycling. He cycles to work most days and year-round, and he stated: "Having drove today, I am still chilled from driving here in a cold vehicle. When I bike, as you know, we are all bundled up and generate some excellent body heat on the ride. I'm always warm and ready to go when I get to work. I'm frozen today!"

It's our perspective.

I have provided you with one example of perspective. Are there more?

People that lived before 500 BC believed that planet earth was flat. Because that was what they were told. That was the scientist's perspective.

And Adolf Hitler sold a perspective and people bought it. He preyed on people's weaknesses. Hunger. Jobless. Hopeless.

In 1938, USA's Time Magazine named Adolf Hitler "Man of the Year."

As I write here in early 2025, Donald Trump--USA's Time Magazine "Man of the Year" for 2024--wants my beloved country of Canada to become the USA's fifty-first state. We in Canada and perhaps many in the United States think he is joking. But in reality, the government of the United States needs our land and our resources, which includes oil, gas and potash. Canada is slightly larger in size than the United States. The wildfire in California is burning out the state. That state basically has the same amount of people as the entire country of Canada. Many of the other forty-nine states in the United States are in a similar situation. Like the Ukraine's people, Canadian people could soon become under attack.

Donald Trump will use a similar perspective on the people of the United States as Adolf Hitler did: that Canada is a threat to the people of the United States. The reality is they need our land and resources.

Miles in the summer of 2024. Photo by Henry Buitrago
Miles in the summer of 2024. Photo by Henry Buitrago

Why would I start this composition with bicycling? The reason is that all people need to learn to live a far simpler lifestyle. If we don't, we will all experience horrific losses with wildfire, flooding, and drought brought on by climate change that was human made. We will either burn, drown, or starve to death. And I'm talking in a very short number of years. This is the current path we are on.

Indigenous people lived off this very land that I speak of for thousands of years. They lived simple lifestyles. They weren't interested in building economies, building skyscrapers, large dwellings, etc. They lived simply, in balance, in harmony with the land and with each other.

Sadly, the white person didn't learn from the old country--the perspectives they used and brought were the very same destructive perspectives forced onto these lands that I speak. And look at the state we are all in.

"The more you know, the less you need," is an Australian Aboriginal saying. We're not too bright with all of our possessions, are we?

There are many evils in the world--but Elon Musk is the one that we all must fear the most. He is trying to create havoc in so many countries around the world.

Those that are angry are easy to lead. Look around at our world. The divide. The hate. People attacking other people. The needless sufferings and killings. The excess waste--possessions. Where does it stem from? It stems from alienation. People have been hurt in some form.

Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk are not successful people. Successful people don't act like them. Successful people don't need anything--as they are comfortable within their own skin. They can live in a modest house, an apartment. Take the transit system, bike, E-bike, etc. They've developed their brain. They understand that Australian Aboriginal saying. Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk lack wisdom, which is plain to see. Those that believe them are being played. They're being preyed on. Even Donald Trump is being preyed on by Elon Musk--but he doesn't fully understand the scope of it yet.

There is a shift in how we receive our media. A few years back Donald Trump constantly would say: "Fake News!" Well, he has been told not to use that phrase any longer by Elon Musk as Donald Trump is Elon Musk's puppet. There is a shift occurring in media and--like the wildfires--this shift is rapidly devastating all media outlets. The powers that be at many of these traditional media outlets are too being preyed upon by their misinformed stockholders and by Elon Musk. These traditional media outlets for decades were community driven -- they were in the community -- they reached out and went into the rural community. It brought a loyal following and did generation after generation. Their newscast personalities were positioned much like sports franchises positioned certain athletes, example: Michael Jordan. People buy personalities. Here in Canada our largest media outlet just followed all the other media outlets and deleted their personalities from their front page of their online platform. Many had been developed and built for decades. A really poor branding and marketing choice they made. What these traditional media outlets are telling their employees is your generic and anyone can do your position. That you have little value and are replaceable. And because of this it will be hard in recruitment of proper journalists. They'll just hire some kids that grew up on improper media channels and don't know the difference. In time these tradition media outlets will all be gone like those properties in Los Angeles--and Elon Musk will be able to further his world dominance by his perspective of how we are to exist.

We are experiencing 'Flame Wars.' In the dictionary Flame Wars means a lengthy exchange of angry or abusive messages between users of an online forum or other discussion area. People like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin need flame wars. It serves their mandate. Once again, they are preying on people. Distracting them from real change -- causing conflict between people who are more alike than they might believe. As their political influence spreads, the reliability of information is replaced by bait only designed to make people angry. Every year it seems that more people get their news solely from websites that are also used to push entertainment, sensationalizing everything for quick profit. It has become more important to people that they represent the virtues of a brand name than to develop their innermost hidden character. Who they listen to is more important than what they listen to. And if it isn't already popular, it will not be seen by any users at all. The owners of these sites can entirely manipulate what people consume, their flame wars billowing with a smoke that obscures what is fact and what is fiction.

I don't believe there is such a thing as 'evil.' I used evil in the context--as it would register with you, the reader. You've heard it over and over. It too is referenced in a book and taught. I don't believe there is such a thing as evil--but merely people that have been hurt in some form. Perhaps the person was told by their parent that they were nothing. And they repeated the process. That can wear you down, can't it? Why would you bring a child into the world to knock them down. Perhaps other children used words that humiliated them. Perhaps one was sexually assaulted and/or faced some form of trauma that provokes this toxic behaviour, this short fuse, this defensiveness, this lashing out that we see and experience in the world. It all comes from this place. We can undo the negative damage that has been placed upon us, like infants divide the good breast from the bad. We develop our brain. We don't use alcohol, drugs, gambling and overeating: we sort out our brain and we develop it to the point it has a healthy function. You have to constantly throw your negative emotions into the dumpster and set them on fire. When you live on a round planet, there's no choosing sides. There aren't two kinds of love, just one. One love. Love is the way; it's the only way.

Empty hand, fire awaits. Empty hand, the fire awaits. Put out your hand. Put out the other person's burning negative mind.

What we need to do is not blame others, point fingers. We need to put out these negative flames within that are burning out of control around our planet. What we need to do is lend an ear. Grab a coffee (or tea) with the person. Ask the person why they are acting this negative way, using these negative words, hurting others (and themselves). That you're not passing judgement, that you've been there and you're there to help sort out their brain. This is the reason we were given life in the first place. To help others. And we do this exercise with all people, including Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk. They are just broken-down people, hurting. We must do this to create a civil world. That all peoples reach a place of peace within - of self-liking. You don't like yourself if you're constantly in the pursuit of a purchase and we return to the Australian Aboriginal saying: "The more you know, the less you need."

I don't know if there is a hell, and I don't know if there is a heaven. I hope there is a heaven. But what I know is we are here. We are alive. And thus, it's essential that we try to make this heaven on earth.

Like fire which grabs and feeds from oxygen, so too can our soul be ignited. A reminder. We have just this one life. One chance to find a way to use our breath, every single second, positively. We create each day anew. Each day, like a blank paper or canvas space, is a new opportunity, a new beginning. To ignite a fire, an eternal fire from within--we need to keep feeding this.

And we return to the meaning of 2025 - of completion, transformation, and humanitarianism. Our collective energy will focus on letting go of the old, making way for new beginnings, and embracing compassion for others. It will signify new beginnings and transformative changes, encouraging trust in the process and openness to positive opportunities.

We as a civilization need to push back at this very evil perspective that is all around us. We all must not turn against each other but rather come together and build a one soul sharing heaven on earth. It is time that we start a collective energy of loving one another, no matter of race, gender, national origin, religion, physical or mental disability. It is time of transformation and stopping all of this discrimination. It is time that we build a place where we are all equal. It is time of letting go of the old, making way for new beginnings of not our needs, but rather their needs, and embracing compassion for others. This proper approach of positive opportunities will leave no human being behind, including our own life. It is time we live a simple, true, purposeful life of profound meaning: of humanitarianism. Our perspective has to be of this way of existence.

Please don't let this letter self-destruct in your mind in five seconds. Please share this story. Let's get it started!



Mar 16

Hello Everyone,

"Walk towards the good in life and one day you will arrive."

- Unknown

"Who am I? Who is carrying this body?"

- Jack Kornfield

Adam Sawatsky, who walks right into our hearts with his stories of real meaning and purpose introduces us to James Taylor in today's 'Adam Sawatsky Day.'

Please click on the link to watch (or read):

If you want to learn more about Adam Sawatsky--and watch many more positive stories, please click here:

We have to commend James Taylor on his steps to inform us on why we exist. For far too often our steps, we walk into a big box store. We walk a few steps to our vehicle, to only go a short distance to the corner store, to purchase unhealthy food, shacks. We walk to our loan officer's office to purchase a larger house. We walk in our workplace;…


Feb 16

Hello Everyone,

What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny!

Why don't rabbits get hot in the summer? They have hare conditioning!

What's a bunny's favourite genre of music? Hip-hop!

Why did the rabbit go to the barber? He needed a hare cut!

In today's 'Adam Sawatsky Day'--Adam Sawatsky, who always hops from place to place to find us a hip happening story that will lift our spirits in the hare introduces us to a rabbit named, Toffee Cleopatra!

Please click on the link to watch (or read):

If you want to learn more about Adam Sawatsky--and watch many more positive stories, please click here:

While watching this adorable rabbit and story - I couldn't help but think of my own rabbit story - and I want to unpack it for you with the hope you'll unpack your mental backpack!

Back in about 2016 a rabbit showed up outside of my late mother's bedroom window. And it would rest for much of the day…


Feb 12


Subject: Our Perspective - Please Don't Discard This Essential Newsletter

Release Date: Feb. 12, 2025

"The more you know, the less you need."

- Australian Aboriginal saying

The meaning of 2025 in numerology is influenced by the universal energy of the number nine, which represents completion, transformation, and humanitarianism. As we move through 2025, the collective energy will focus on letting go of the old, making way for new beginnings, and embracing compassion for others. It signifies new beginnings and transformative changes, encouraging trust in the process and openness to positive opportunities.

I've shared that opening quote, the meaning of 2025 in recent newsletters for a reason. One, I've woven them into my new composition. On my return back from my seven-week hiatus - I had a game-plan of direction that I'd take…

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