By Miles Patrick Yohnke
© 2020 All Rights Reserved.
"I remember the exhilaration I first felt from an expressive quote. Growing up with a learning disability one avoids words, or at least I did. It wasn't until I read my first meaningful quote--and the enormous emotions that engulfed my existence. I found myself travelling purposefully within. An awakening so to speak. It intrigued me to explore many other forms of literature. I thank all those writers that have touched my existence throughout this wondrous journey.
Below is an extensive collection of new quotes of mine. Perhaps there will be a few that will touch you in the same way that the first good one touched me.
Also included is a slide presentation, if you will, of my quaint apartment.
"I've lived most of my adult life in this apartment. Every writing has originated from this space. I've been so blessed that these writings have touched all corners of the world. I'm often asked by my readers what my living quarters are like. I thank my dear friend John Urbano who took these intimate photographs so that I may share with you."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The rivers of human dignity and compassion lead to the ocean of peace."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"You are the writer, director, and producer of your own life's work. You premiere it to the world every waking second."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"I search for solitude and within that search I find 'me'."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Create all that you are capable of doing. Your disabilities can be turned into capabilities. You really can overcome and prosper."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Practice being amazing and you'll become exactly that."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Be up-beat, not beat-up."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The first job each of us should go to when we rise each morning is the job of helping others. To hold that position will demonstrate a lifetime of commitment and accomplishment. What we will create from that job is a world of peace."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The wealthiest people are those that enrich others. They have taken the 'ME' out of the enrich equation."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"A person whose life's ambition is to defeat others only defeats themselves. For it is a lesser person who knows not themselves."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Transferring human kindness funds as opposed to human kindness withdraws is the best transaction of all."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"To create a universe of peace we have to first create a universe of self-liking."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The amazing possibilities that appear with each present moment are literally within you."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Successful people do all the things unsuccessful people do not want to do. They simply do it. They take the action required."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke)
"Words are merely words until we place our heart into them."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"In a gym, resistance is used to make one stronger. In life, resistance holds one back. Channel it; work with it, and you can build a new you."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"It is time that we start loving one another, no matter of race, gender, national origin, religion, physical or mental disability. It is time that we stop all this discrimination. It is time that we build a place where we are all equal. It is time that we put down our firearms and open up our loving arms."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Talent (engine). Effort (transmission). You need both if you want to go anywhere in this world."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Transferring from external validation to internal self-validation. Freedom doesn't mean doing whatever you want. Freedom means knowing who you are."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Through a system of repetitions, one can achieve an end-goal that shows brilliantly but oddly appears to be without effort."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The threshold of self awareness. Release the tension of holding an attitude and adapt by serving a life sentence of gratitude. Accept that giving is not a sacrifice. Let these eternal principles govern all that we can be."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"When someone says 'NO' to you what they are really saying is' give me more information so I can say 'YES!'"
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Sell isn't a dirty 4 letter word. Quit is a dirty 4 letter word."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Music has always been a great host by inviting me in and nurturing my mind."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"An internal playground of unspeakable joy. This is what music provides."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Drumming can become a form of prayer. A deep pulse of healing power drawn from one's inner core. Rhythms that can reach deep - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically - that can instill an inner peace and balance
from within."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Each day we must be more than the last. If not, why be here? Why repeat yesterday's performance?"
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Watching sports allows one to escape. Playing sports brings a real sense of adventure."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"We may find that like-minded people come in the form of children. They are the inspiration. And we download their child-like apps. A refurbished soul can be rebooted."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Your future must be planned, well designed, to exert a force that pulls you towards the promise of what can be. Act on your plan."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The first job each of us should go to when we rise each morning is the job of helping others... What we will create from that job is a world of peace."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The silence of our internal sadness can become deafening."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"It is the triumph of the individual over art - the zenith of an original voice."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"The smartphone is the greatest visual equalizer of our time. With just one view it transforms a great photographer's images back into an average, non-artistic statement."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Art must come from the heART."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Your life is the key to your ignition. Go ahead, turn it over: generate a combustion that will spark the world."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Acting isn't just about remembering the words, it's about becoming them."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"One must stand out from the herd in order to be heard."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"It is our responsibility to take care of the eARTh. For it is God's artistic masterpiece."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Exceptional art creates inspired conversations."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"There was a time when I was shallow, and a piece of shit. But I'm not shallow anymore."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"When you're young, you're all cock and balls. When you're older you often grow bigger balls and become less of a dick."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Learn to articulate your mind for the individual peace and mental health of the planet."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"We are committing 'possessionocide' -- a genocide of our very souls by chasing possessions."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"There is unity in commUNITY."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"If you don't do, you'll inevitably find your life in a state of dew, and ultimately every facet of your life will become past due."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"I shall heal so heal I shall."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Be your own act."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
"Miracles do exist. The simple fact that you are here verifies this."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke
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