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Writer: Miles Patrick YohnkeMiles Patrick Yohnke

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

© 2022 All Rights Reserved.

Head Coach as defined in the dictionary states: "A head coach, senior coach or manager is a professional at training and developing athletes. They typically hold a more public profile and are paid more than other coaches."

What if we look at a head coach as a person that is a 'head' coach? Meaning, they study the head of the person they are coaching or managing. Each head is complex and requires the coach or manager to apply a different method of coaching and teaching specific to the individual.

Teachers and gym teachers are also 'head' coaches. Each child's head is different. Not only should teachers learn about the head before them, but they must also learn more about that life's environment. As one example, does that child come to school fed? One must understand every facet of that head to nourish it to its full potential.

A head coach, manager, company leader or anyone that is in charge needs to do this to obtain maximum results for the lives of their athletes, employees, and co-workers.

I encourage you to apply this head-first approach into your life-coaching.

Miles Patrick Yohnke photograph by Natalie Struck. To learn more about her, please click here:


1 commentaire

15 déc. 2022


Subject: Head Coach

Release Date: Dec. 15, 2022

My new composition titled "Head Coach" originated from an innocent phone call with my dear friend Duncan Hanna who resides in Mesa, Arizona. Duncan Hanna reached out to me over a decade ago expressing that he enjoyed my philosophies and writings. It quickly became apparent that I was dealing with a very advanced human being, and I marveled at his knowledge towards everything. A few years into our friendship, I told him about the central part of this composition. It just struck him. He loved the concept. I would later share it with coaches, teachers & gym teachers in my in-person talks, and when I shared the concept their…

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