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Because You Can

Writer's picture: Miles Patrick YohnkeMiles Patrick Yohnke

By Miles Patrick Yohnke

© 2016 All Rights Reserved.

Miles Patrick Yohnke, on the Saskatoon CP train bridge. Photo by Shaun Salen.

Familiar faces in unpredictable locations. Beauty revealed through taking manual steps.

We often hear that with a new technology, product, or service, our lives will be made easier, better, and somehow, more livable.

I'd like to bring you into a life event from last year that I experienced.

I needed to pay my internet/television provider bill and normally, I'd get on my bicycle and ride up to their office to pay them. They are located in the north end of our city of Saskatoon, where I live. It is about six miles distance each way from my door to their business.

On this particular day, I thought I'd walk there. I hadn't done that before and after doing so, I decided I would tie that walk in with lunch by walking over to my mother's place.

The day was just how I like it; a hot, cloudless day, as I headed out. Off with the shirt; just shorts, shoes, and a few protein shakes in a recycled holding bag.

With the prairie sun cascading down upon my asking skin, I headed north, totally engulfed and lost in wonderment; our city, my home city, the city of bridges with its lush summer foliage, so green and so gloriously beautiful - a heaven on earth summer postcard for the beholder, if they just take the time to take it all in.

I thought of people in dark bars held self-captive within all their misery. Maybe they simply needed to get outside? Could it be that easy?

I stopped and visited my dad at his resting place, as the cemetery was on the way. I got to the office and paid my bill.

On my return route, just a few miles away, along came this motorcycle. I barely noticed it out of the corner of my eye as it passed me. A block later it returned.

"Miles," someone shouted. This time I definitely looked closer. The rider was wearing a full faced helmet and I had no idea of who it was. "It's Trevor," the rider replied. He was a teammate I had played floor hockey with a few years back.

He came back towards me, this time for a visit of a few moments.

He told me he hadn't ridden his motorcycle in years and was just out testing it, as later that day he was going to take a trip to the U.S. and down to Salt Lake City. It would take him about three days.

Trevor was going to a convention about a rare disease. This rare disease had taken his own six-year-old daughter and he needed to learn more, to advocate, and help others here in Canada.

It would have been so easy for him to just pass me by and not come back and visit. I mean, he had so much on his plate and on his mind, during that time frame of his life.

We hugged and then went on our separate ways. I returned to visit my dad to tell him about the most beautiful visit I just had.

I then headed east towards the Saskatchewan River and the watering fountains at the bottom steps of our CP bridge. I needed to mix up a protein shake to get my electrolytes in order.

As I was shaking up my drink of health, I ran into Grant - another one of my floor hockey teammates. He was out for his daily six mile run on his lunch break.

"Holy ripped you are Miles!" he replied. He hadn't seen me in a few months, and I had now carved out my core so that I had serious definition which is now hard to miss. My shoulders, arms, and chest were larger and far more detailed, thanks to the help of my personal trainer, Sean Francis. And now they matched my biking legs. My composition from foot to neck was now far more balanced. I was also eight pounds lighter at 170 pounds.

"Thanks Grant," I replied. It makes you feel good when others compliment you on your own personal journey whatever it may be.

We both had somewhere to go. He, to finish his six-mile run; me, up the steps and onto the CP bridge that would take me into the University of Saskatchewan, through the campus, and south to my mom's. I arrived and told Mom where all I had been.

"You silly boy," she replied. Mom misses the point sometimes, as parents can sometimes do.

After a visit there I returned home. And I pondered.

My walk that day had been twenty-two miles. I would end up doing it four more times last year. Why, you may ask? I did it for two reasons.

One: it was new, and I hadn't done it before.

Two: I was more curious if I would be able to walk my usual ten miles the next day and then cycle fifty miles.

I needed to answer a few of my own questions. I did. No problems, plus my normal one hour in the gym.

It is easy to pay a bill online, but I would have missed so much, including my beautiful moment with Trevor. I would have missed his special all-access brand of high amperage kindness that he always has for his fellow man.

That visit and that day I will take to my grave.

Take the step. Go the extra mile in your life. You'll never know what is waiting for you along the way, or what you will discover of yourself, of others.

Miles Patrick Yohnke photograph by Marcel Toews. Designed by Henry Buitrago



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