By Miles Patrick Yohnke
© 2020 All Rights Reserved.
An immense feeling of joy takes control,
On the west coast, on the east coast,
In the mountains, on the prairies,
True feelings, an ultimate destiny,
And time reveals herself as ever passing.
A bicycle ride; the interaction with self,
A gaze out towards your actual physical surroundings,
A self-evaluation purifying maintenance of spirit.
Biking to work,
That simple feeling,
Of exhilaration, jubilation,
Free, liberated,
Removed from,
From the daily grind.
Amid the rigours,
Of a working life,
Now, carefree, happy thoughts,
With thoughts of you,
These thoughts of you.
The simplicity, the freedom,
Likened to the feeling,
Of a dance or of,
Taking flight,
Riding a bike, induces,
Carefree, happy feelings.
A bicycle ride; the self-reliance, the satisfaction,
The heartwarming encounters with strangers.
When you bike,
You get a spike,
In neurochemicals, such as,
Serotonin and dopamine -
That relieve pain,
That improves mood,
You also get a hit,
Of endorphins, which triggers -
The same receptors in your brain as many pain medicines.
Bicycling doesn't just build blood vessels in your leg muscles -
It also builds them in your brain.
A bicycle ride; the increased cardiovascular fitness,
The increased muscle strength and flexibility,
The improved posture and coordination,
The improved joint mobility.
Whimsical feelings that transfer through bicycle tires.
A bicycle ride; the decreased body fat levels,
The decreased stress levels,
The strengthened bones,
The prevention and/or management of disease.
And with these rotating spokes: less rage, fear, and sadness.
The simplicity, the freedom,
Likens the feeling,
To a God-like figure,
A supreme being,
Riding a bike, induces,
Carefree, youthful, happy feelings.
Bicycling requires no gasoline, therefore,
No harmful emissions, or smog.
Opting to use a bicycle,
The simplest way to lower our environmental footprint.
A bicycle ride; saves valuable green space from development,
Reduces the need for new parking lots and roadways,
Reduces noise pollution and congestion.
Bike, buy a bike, please ride a bike.
With the summer sun cascading down,
Or with the crisp, fresh, winter air,
A deeper dimension of being,
You find freedom from fear,
You wave with love,
You are now,
Complete, and,
The feeling; just so damn good.
The bicycle ride. The ride to health in body and peace of mind.

Miles Patrick Yohnke at 56 and nine months of age.
Photograph by John Urbano.
Subject: World Bicycle Day
Release Date: June 1, 2023
In April 2018, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 3 World Bicycle Day. The resolution for World Bicycle Day recognizes "the uniqueness, longevity, and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for two centuries, and that it is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transport."
World Bicycle Day is a special day meant to be enjoyed by all people regardless of background or skill level. The bicycle is a symbol of human progress and advancement. It promotes tolerance, mutual understanding and respect which facilitates social inclusion and a culture of peace. The bicycle is also a symbol of sustainable transport…
Subject: Earth Day 2023
Release Date: April 19, 2023
"Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money."
- Cree Indian Proverb
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."
- Mahatma Gandhi
This Saturday is Earth Day. To coincide with Earth Day 2023, I have included two compositions: "The Grey Owl Challenge" & "The Bicycle Ride." This is the moment to change it all - the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on the climate. Now is the time to summon our…
Subject: Happy Earth Day
Release Date: Apr. 22, 2022
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money."
- Cree Indian Proverb
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."
- Mahatma Gandhi
To coincide with Earth Day 2022, I have included two compositions: "The Grey Owl Challenge" & "The Bicycle Ride." This is the moment to change it all - the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on the climate. Now is the time to summon our unstoppable courage to preserve and…